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Switching to Natural Horse Feeding

If you're considering transitioning to natural feeding for your horse, it's important to understand that switching from commercial grain mixes to a natural diet can present some challenges. Many horses are accustomed to feeds enhanced with sugars, flavorings, and other additives designed to improve taste. While these ingredients might make the feed more palatable, they can have long-term negative health impacts. Sugars and flavorings, for example, can contribute to metabolic issues, obesity, and other health problems.

How to Successfully Make the Transition

Switching to natural feeding can be challenging for your horse, especially if it’s used to highly processed feeds—much like transitioning a child from fast food to vegetables! Here are some tips to ensure the process goes smoothly:

  • Gradual Transition: Begin by mixing the new feed with the old one, gradually increasing the proportion of the new feed. Set a clear timeline to fully phase out the old feed. The Herbitality Basic Range is a good starting point for this transition.

  • Acclimate to New Flavors: Introducing natural feeds that contain herbs may expose your horse to bitter or unfamiliar flavors. Patience is key—it may take time for your horse to adjust to these new tastes.

  • Stay Strong: If your horse initially rejects the new feed, it’s essential to remain firm. Avoid offering alternatives immediately. In most cases, your horse will eventually try the new feed once it realizes there are no other options. Think of it like the child—it might be tough, but the benefits are worth it!

  • Detox: Once your horse is fully accustomed to the new feed, it may be beneficial to follow up with a detox course. This will help flush out any remaining unwanted substances from the body, supporting overall health.

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